by Christopher Martlew
18 September 2017
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness…A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.”William Hutchison Murray, Mountaineer and writerPerhaps it’s the last straw of frustration. Perhaps it’s somebody giving you that final feeling of confidence to go for it. Perhaps it’s a sudden intuitive realisation that you can achieve something you’ve dreamed of.For any change there is a tipping point; a point where we say, “Yes, we are going do this thing.”We are sometimes aware of the tipping point in real-time, but often only when looking back with the benefit of hindsight.The tipping point is the moment when commitment can happen in an instant. It happens when your heart and mind, your beliefs, emotions and intellect, are aligned behind a new path.It’s in that focal moment that magical things start to happen.When we start to move in a direction with passion, purpose and commitment then opportunities appear upon our path. Our road rises to meet us. The opportunities may have always been there, but they go unnoticed until we become open to them.In Indian pranic teaching they say we radiate our intent through our energy aura and the universe comes to meet us to help us on our way. Perhaps a little too numinous…but if you don’t move, the universe ain’t going to do it for you.That’s what I think…what do you think?If you’d like to join the conversation please share via the clapping-hands button below.Also | | | blog#mindoftheorg #OnBeingAgileMotivation…Beyond The Tipping Point was originally published in On Being Agile on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.